THE ONLY WAY to use TOKEN VEHICLES in MP or in TLE or in any On-Line event is to BUY THEM WITH TOKENS LEGALLY!!!!!.Don't buy TOKEN VEHICLES with Money Mode and then don't use them in TLE or in MP or in any other events - because GAMELOFT server knows exactly which cars you have at the moment and if you use HACKED car in any ON-LINE event, you will be in CB (CheaterBoard) and then BANNED!.*only means - not only in CAREER mode BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW which cars at the moment are HIDDEN and which cars are not hidden - you can't use HIDDEN cars in TLE or in MP or in any other events because GAMELOFT server knows exactly in which level you are and what cars are hidden for you. Do not use TRY ALL CARS in TLE (Time Limited Events) or in Multiplayer or in anything else! You can use TRY ALL CARS *only in CAREER MODE!.Do not use PRO STATUS hack to the cars which you will be using in TLE (Time Limited Events) or in Multiplayer or in anything else! You can use PRO HACKED cars only in CAREER MODE!.Do not race when you have activated BOOSTERS for IMPOSSIBLE TIME!! Like 29282938 hours or 282732893 days!! Clear that IMPOSSIBLE time and then race because Gameloft Server will find these Impossible Values of Boosters and then ban you!.Please read also rules below to get to know - what to use or not to use to DO NOT BE BANNED in Asphalt 8 game: To use this Cheat Table, you must have CHEAT ENGINE tool installed in your PC -> Download CE from official website: This Cheat Table is working only with ASPHALT 8 v4.9.0k PC Version (Windows Store).